
Beginner guide for smokers looking to switch regular cigarettes to E-cigs

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Recently switched from smoking regular cigarettes to "vaping" electronic cigarettes, and I    found this to be incredibly helpful, but I also found the terminology and jargon to be very confusing, even in the "beginner" guides. So here is a very stripped-down "beginner guide" for smokers looking to switch.

·         What should I buy to get started? This: http://www.ecig-mall.com/starter-kits/18-innokin-itaste-mvp-v20.html

Just skip the research and buy this one, it is where you will end up if you shop lots of online store. The iTaste MVP is also the "most valuable player" in all Innokin products. there is no better box mod below 100 dollars, the iTaste MVP is definitely 'vaping out the competition'.  The iTaste MVP 2.0 is a 510/Ego threaded device with a built-in 2600mAh battery. This box mod is loaded with features such as VV, VW, passthrough function, LCD screen, ohm meter and can even be used as an on-the-go charger for your portable devices. Like Hekvapor on Facebook and you can win FREE e-cigs giveaway.

Wait, aren't there more brands/options? Are there any cheaper/better ways to this?  

  Yes, there are a lot of options, and you might end up changing your mind, but the above is the overall best/simplest/easiest "good deal" for a smoker looking to try e-cigs for the first time with a minimum of fuss.

·         How long does an e-cigarette  last?                                                                       

 Figure a brand-new, fully-assembled, fully-charged e-cig lasts about as long as pack of cigarettes, give or take. Then you have to re-charge the battery and replace  or refill the cartridge. Your mileage may vary.

·         Will I be happy with e-cigarettes? Will I miss the "real thing"? Do they taste and feel the same?                                                                                                                           They are different. Especially at first, you might still want to smoke "analog" cigs, especially when drinking or around other smokers. They draw a little different, they taste different, they don't have the same ritual of lighting, and your psyche might take some acclimation to realize that you can get the same nicotine fix from them as you get from the smelly burning leaves you are accustomed to.


·         What are the advantages of e-cigs? What's the    point?"                                                          

 First, vaping gear don't make you and your environment smell like an ashtray. You can "vape" anywhere, with discretion, and nobody will ever know that you were smoking. Brilliant for a smoker with a brand-new car, for example-- smoke away, with the windows rolled up, and the car will smell like nothing but a new car. You can also frequently get away with "smoking" indoors, since there is no offensive odor or "smoke". You will also generally feel a lot better, more like a non-smoker. You're still inhaling nicotine, and still addicted to a potentially carcinogenic drug, but with none of the tar or actual "smoke". It's also cheaper, potentially a lot cheaper. And you can take a puff whenever you want: no need for ashtrays or lighters, no smelly smoke, no gray layer of ash over everything, no smoker-breath and clothes, etc.

·         What's with all the crazy flavors? Do people actually smoke grape-flavored cigarettes? Which flavor tastes most like my regular brand? Nicotine (which is what you smoke for) is colorless, odorless, and flavorless. When you first start "vaping", it's not going to taste or feel exactly the same as inhaling the smoke from burning leaves, and your addiction might not be entirely convinced that it's getting what it wants. But you are absolutely getting nicotine. Once you get started, try some "sampler pack" flavors, you might be surprised. Once you "re-train" your nicotine addiction to accept that e-cigs "work", you won't need or care about tobacco-flavored vapor, and you'll probably prefer something that tastes better, or that is flavorless.

·         Are e-cigs healthier? Are they a good way to quit smoking?                                       

 Anecdotal and un-scientific consensus seems to be that "vapers" feel much better and livelier than people who inhale lots of actual smoke. You are still inhaling an addictive drug that is probably not optimal for your health, but you are not covering your lungs with ash, tar, and smoke-residue. If you are a smoker, start with the high-concentration nic-liquids to ensure a satisfying "hit". From there you can try ramping down to low- or even zero-nicotine liquids to ease off the drug without giving up the "habit". Disassociating the nicotine hit from the ritual, smell, taste, and experience of inhaling tobacco-smoke might additionally help you to give up the habit entirely.

·         What does it cost? how much money can I save? This depends on a lot of factors.             

If you switch from smoking to "vaping" via the most expensive "sensible" route (using disposable nicotine cartridges from Smokelessimage.com), you'll end up spending around $2 per "pack" of cigarettes. If you get into hacks and mods and re-filling your own cartridges, you can bone the cost down to maybe $0.50 per "pack".

·         What about the ones on sale at the local gas station? Are they any good?                           

It seems cheaper than the starter-pack linked above... Eventually, you are going to want rechargeable, refillable, good-quality e-cigs, so you may as well start there. You will save a lot of money versus throw-aways, and a lot of the gas-station brands are not very good.

·         What's with all the weird colors and flavors? I should pick something that looks like a regular cigarette, right? White with an orange LED tip, so I don't look like a weirdo, right?                                                                                                                           No. Pick at least one that doesn't look anything like a cigarette. I recommend black with a blue or white LED, or none. People will think you are chewing on a pen, or something. If it looks like a cig, people will think you are smoking, and will give you grief. Half the awesomeness of e-cigs is that you can vape them a lot of places where you can't smoke, without looking or smelling like a smoker, with no ashes, and no smoke.

·         Speaking of that, can I really "smoke" these things indoors, even in no-smoking areas? 

So here's the thing: you're never going to bother anyone with smells or smoke irritation. It's not going to set off smoke detectors, because there is no smoke. But a lot of people are going to freak out if they see you doing something that looks like smoking, and a lot of establishments are going to rule against you, if you force them to issue a ruling. The other customers out-number you. You will make problems for yourself if you go around casually vaping away, looking like someone who thinks the world is his living-room. Understand that anyone who sees you vaping is going think you are smoking, and it's going to be a lot harder to persuade someone who is already pissed at you for smoking, than if you had explained and asked for permission beforehand. Use discretion, don't be a jerk, and be respectful of your surroundings.

Nice point and you can gain a lot I bet. It is reprinted from Reddit.


