
Electronic cigarettes can change gene expression?E-cigarettes affect cells? Opinions vary.

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Electronic cigarettes can change gene expression in a similar way to tobacco, according to one of the first studies to investigate the biological effects of the devices.
Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting on 6 April in San Diego, California, the research looked at human bronchial cells that contained some mutations found in smokers at risk of lung cancer. The cells were immortalized, grown in culture medium that had been exposed to e-cigarette vapor and their gene expression profiled.
The researchers found that the cells grown in medium exposed to the vapor of e-cigarettes showed a similar pattern of gene expression to those grown in a medium exposed to tobacco smoke (S. J. Park et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 20, B16; 2014).

The changes are not identical, says study researcher Avrum Spira, who works on genomics and lung cancer at Boston University in Massachusetts. But “there are some striking similarities”, he says. The team is now evaluating whether the alterations mean that cells behave more like cancer cells in culture.
The work is at a very early stage and therefore cannot establish that e-cigarettes can cause cancer in vitro, let alone in vivo. “They may be safer [than tobacco], but our preliminary studies suggest that they may not be benign,” says Spira.

E-cigarettes are extremely controversial. Because they vaporize liquid containing nicotine, rather than burning tobacco, some researchers believe that the devices could greatly reduce the damage done to health by smoking; others, however, argue that they are simply ‘renormalizing’ smoking.

In regarding this, opinions vary. 
For example;
some said:“Everything causes cancer! I think, vapers would be more open to these research reports if researchers would admit and state that this is a reduced harm alternative. People are going to smoke - period! If researchers would take into consideration the reduction of harm in their research, vapers wouldn't be so defensive. Again...EVERYTHING CAUSES CANCER including many of the foods lining our shelves and cabinets, but the undeniable toxicity of analogue cigarettes clearly far outweigh the dangers of vaping quality nicotine liquids.To just produce research stating damage potential WITHOUT stating that nicotine liquid is also far less toxic than analogue cigarettes comes across like "the war against e-cigs" rather than a legitimate concern and longing to improve safety.”


The other said:"The nicotine inhaler sounds familiar, but these researchers are not associated with those drug companies. They are collaborators from 3 different universities who are supported by NIH grants (in other words, by you). Most studies of this nature do not involve drug companies at any stage, and if they do, this will be stated in the research report. This knowledge might save you future embarrassment. Btw, if you think some profit-motivated plot to discredit tobacco alternatives is behind all e-cigarette research, keep in mind that corporations also stand to make billions off of e-cigarettes too."

As far as I can see, e-cig does have bad influence on people's body but its appearance at least save many second-hand smoker. If you smoke, why not choose e-cig for good of you and others.

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