These days, everybody is looking for ways to save money. One of the hardest expenses to cut from our budgets is probably smoking. The average American smoker spends over $2000 on cigarettes every year. And while this money can be put to better uses, kicking the habit and saying goodbye to tobacco and necessary expenses is harder than it might sound.
Fortunately for smokers on the budget, electronic cigarettes offer an easy compromise. Electronic cigarettes are a safer, cleaner and less expensive alternative to traditional, tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes don’t really stand a chance in a price comparison with electronic cigarettes. If you want to save money and don’t really feel like giving your habit up, electronic cigarettes are something to consider.
The average e cigarette will last on a single refill about as long as a pack of regular smokes will. The average cost per refill for most electronic cigarettes brands is less than two bucks. Compare this with at least five bucks, which is the cost of a pack of cheapest cigarettes, and it’s clear just how much you can save over time. even though a few dollars per day might not seem like that much, think about it – two or three dollars every day mean around twenty per week, which comes out to over a thousand per year! It’s true – you can save all this money without actually giving up anything. Electronic cigarettes allow you to continue smoking at the same rate and get all the nicotine you need and still save money. It’s a bit like having your cake and eating it too.