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E-cigs have grown to become very popular among smokers who want to quit but there is another benefit that just might entice you to try E-cigarettes out. Electronic cigarettes can also help you save money without completely stopping the habit. Most people know that smoking is definitely an expensive hobby and this is why it is best to try and save money because it can add up over the years. If you don’t think that you want to quit smoking anytime soon but you would like to save money, then here are 5 ways to save money on E-cigarettes.
It Costs Less
On average, people spend a little over $2,000 every year on cigarettes alone. This number does not include all the extra expenses that go with smoking like dry cleaning clothes because of the smell, lighters, and much more. Smoking is an unhealthy habit but it also puts a dent in your wallet then would be better if avoided. If you continue at the same rate of smoking but you only switch over to an E-cig, you can save almost $1300 and this is money that you can be spending something better than a poisonous cigarette. Blu cigs or V2 cigs will definitely be a better option for you.
Less Rates On Insurance
Surprisingly, if you state that you only smoke e-cigs, you can get lower rates on your insurance. This is something that can really save you money because insurance brokers will not be willing to give you insurance if you are a smoker and are constantly putting your life in danger. However, if you show that you are taking the safer route, then you just might get lower rates on your insurance.You Will Smoke Less
E-cigs are less addictive and so this means that you will be able to start smoking less. Combined with the fact that it costs less and this is a perfect formula for being able to save money on your habit. Since you will most likely start to smoke less, you will then be able to start saving money because you will start to enjoy E-cigs more. The fact that you will be smoking less will surely help you save money.No More Wasted Cigarettes
When people buy cigarettes, they usually only crave for a few puffs and then throw the rest of the cigarette away. This is a waste of money and it is best if you use a E-cig because you will be able to put the E-cig away and only smoke it when you can. This means that you will never waste another cigarette ever again and this will contribute to even more money being saved.Longer Life Means More Money
Since you will not be putting almost 4,000 poisonous toxins into your body, you will definitely live longer and this is something that you should keep in mind. A longer life means you will have more opportunities to make money and so this is definitely a mindset that you should have when thinking about trying electronic cigarettes. When you are smoking an E-cig, you can almost think that you are smoking Green Smoke because it is very eco-friendly.If you truly want to save money and be healthier, then you should really consider E-cigs like V2cigs and much more.

It is written by Dennis who loves to share tips pertaining to e-cigs.