
The Benefits of E-cigarettes


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The most significant thing for us to state up front is that so far, there have been no tests
that have been decisive, about the health effects of electronic cigarettes. Undoubtedly,
smoking regular tobacco cigarettes is very bad for you – that isn’t in argument. However
health experts, researchers and governments are still looking into the potential benefits
of using e-cigarettes.
provided by Ecig Mall http://www.ecig-mall.com/
Having said that, there’s no dispute that when you use an E-Cigarette and there is no
tobacco burning. In fact, nothing is burning at all. You’re not taking carbon or tar into
your lungs. What does that mean as far as the hazards of lung cancer, emphysema or
damage? What does it mean about the pessimistic effects of smoking that you won’t
experience? Once again, there’s no certain evidence on any of that yet. But you’re an
intelligent person – you can make your own decisions, take the information and make
your own personal choice.
One more thing we need to make clear is that no one advertises or suggests electronic
 cigarettes as a help to quit smoking. But again, you can get the information and make
the most of it. When you opt for an e-cigarette, you can choose the amount of nicotine
that you’ll be putting into your system, from 18 mg (or even higher) which is equivalent to
 a full-flavored tobacco cigarette — all the day down to no nicotine at all. While the
manufacturers don’t recommend you can use e-cigs as a splendid way to wean your way
 off nicotine, several people say they’ve done just that.There are lots of realistic benefits
to smokeless cigarettes. One of the most evident is that there aren’t really any limits to
where you can “vape.” Smoking bans are, almost universal these days; it’s almost
to smoke indoors anywhere except in your own place. Schools, restaurants, offices,
 bars, hospitals – most or all of them are off limits for smokers. But you can use
e-cigarettes almost anywhere, without hassling anyone. No second hand smoke, no
ashes no odor, or cigarette butts, no burns or stains – they’re green and they’re
innocuous. The vapor won’t harm or bother people with allergies or sensitivities to
 smoke, children or those who just object to smoke.
 A benefit that isn’t quite as substantial,
but may be even greater, is price. The
price of  cigarettes is soaring, with a
 pack pricing more than $5.00 in most places and a lot more
 than that elsewhere. On the other hand, refill cartridges for e-cigarettes charge
anywhere from $2.00-$3.00 on average, and last longer than the pack of cigarettes
would last. There are reliable estimates that say that using e-cigs will charge you about a
third as much as smoking the traditional cigarettes. If you choose to use an e-cig that
you refill with e-liquid, the cost goes down even more. If you are interested in
e-cigarettes that you can refill with e-liquid, also known as ego kits, visit
http://www.ecig-mall.com/ or http://szhek.en.alibaba.com/. With an electronic cigarette,

 you can simply take as few or as many puffs as you desire, making the e-cigarette last

even longer. We don’t think there’s any query: there are abundant benefits to smoking

an electronic cigarette over a tobacco cigarette. That’s why we’ve switched, and why we

 think others should also consider it.
reprinted from huffingtonpost. 


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