
Vape is not Smoke

It's not just a game of semantics. The only similarities between vaping and smoking are that both involve inhaling, and both can deliver nicotine. That's it.

Vaping does not involve a flame. There is no burning. There is no smoke, only vapor. There is no tobacco (although you can have tobacco flavors). There is no tar.

Most of the time, vaping does not smell at all, but with some very strong flavors (like Cherry or Clove), there is sometimes the faint scent of the flavor. Your clothes, fingers and teeth do not get stained. You don't lose your sense of taste and smell. If you vape, someone walking past you can't tell you vaped 5 minutes ago. You don't smell like an ashtray. If you're used to going outside your own home to smoke, get used to the idea that you can do this inside. In fact, you can vape almost anywhere, but check your applicable local laws. There are some locations that (foolishly in our opinion) have started treating vaping the same as smoking. Be sure you comply with all local laws.

Most smokers have a love/hate relationship with cigarettes. The love the activity and the nicotine. They hate that they smell bad, they hate that it negatively affects their life. Most vapers have a love/love relationship with vaping. When you vape you get an experience that is superior to smoking.

So if you're new to this, don't approach it as smoking, approach it as something completely new. The techniques are different, and the outcomes are different.

So if you're enjoying a vape break, and someone asks you "what are you smoking?", tell them you're not, and take a few minutes to explain what vaping is, and how it works.

If you need a little more info, the following link should help:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hekvapor/445617938898505

reprinted from: http://www.aresecig.com/store/index.php?main_page=page&id=3

