
Battery Care & Maintenance Of Your Electronic Cigarette ---Easy & Safe vaping by Hekvapor

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The following, is basic information on the batteries used with the Electronic Cigarette Standard batteries supplied with the basic starter kits.

1.) The basic Manual Battery. The manual battery has a button that has to be depressed to activate the battery, User simply presses the button, draws on the mouthpiece, and lets go of the button when finished. This is considered the most reliable by e-cig users, since the battery is basically sealed to prevent excess e-liquid from entering the working parts. Accidental activation is possible by keeping the e-cig in a pocket or purse without protection. If the button is accidentally pressed, the e-cig will activate, and could cause damage or injury.
Vision Spinner battery

2.) The Automatic Battery. (Vacuum Activated) This type of battery has a vacuum switch inside the unit. When the e-cig is used the switch senses vacuum from drawing on the mouthpiece, and activates the battery. Damage to the vacuum switch is possible by adding too much liquid. The excess liquid can flow into the switch, thus damaging the mechanical moving parts. Most users recommend not dripping into these units, as it is easy to flood the battery.

3.) The Automatic Battery. (Sound Activated) This type of battery is activated by the sound of air rushing by drawing on the mouthpiece. There is an actual miniature microphone in the unit to accomplish this task. This type of battery is not recommended to be used in a noisy environment. The battery will falsely activate the e-cig causing burns, battery strain, or burnt out atomizers. Riding motorcycles, or other similar recreational vehicles, loud music, factory noise, night clubs or similar environments are not good for the sound activated batteries. Batteries for Heavy Duty Mods.

Atomizer right for you

Most batteries for e-cig use are AA or AAA size, but are not to be confused with the everyday AA or AAA batteries, such as the Duracell, Energizer, etc. The standard batteries are 1.2 to 1.5 volts, and will not power an e-cig. The special batteries we use, although the same physical size, output approximately 3.5 to 4.2 volts. These batteries must not be placed in standard AA or AAA battery chargers, and the special e-cig chargers must not be used on standard batteries. The special e-cig batteries come in two basic forms. Protected and unprotected. A lithium-ion battery can become unstable, and burn or explode if overcharged, shorted, or drained beyond its limits. A protected battery has a circuit to prevent these things from damaging the battery. Unprotected batteries do not have this "safety" circuit. Protected batteries are also slightly larger to accommodate the added circuitry.

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