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Hekvapor will share something interesting for all vaping lovers.The Anti-E-Cigarette Conspiracy
Why do bodies concerned with public health want to block smokers’ best chance of quitting?
Gilbert Ross
with a modicum of knowledge regarding public health will agree that the
most important, devastating, and preventable threat to human health we
face is cigarettes. Smokers trying to quit have an extremely difficult
time: Less than 10 percent succeed without help, and the various
FDA-approved products are of little help, if any. Over the past few
years, a new technology has been taken up by millions seeking an escape
from deadly smoke: electronic cigarettes (e-cigs, also known as ENDS,
electronic nicotine-delivery systems).
Many experts in tobacco control believe e-cigs present the best
hope of improving the unacceptably low rate of successful quitting among
addicted smokers. Yet, in a perverse inversion of public-health policy,
these devices face relentless opposition — and not from Big Tobacco,
whose interests seemingly are most threatened by the switch from
cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Rather, it is the official public-health
agencies, such as the CDC and the FDA, and the big health nonprofits,
such as the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association,
that are fighting this public-health miracle. Even worse, they are using
tactics akin to the deceptions and manipulations we recall from the
cigarette makers of the 20th century. One of their more egregious
tactics is simply redefining the words “tobacco” and “smoke” to include e-cigs, which are linked to neither. The question is: Why? One thing is
certain: Their antipathy is not based on science or the good of public
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Our nation is home to over 40 million smokers, among
whom about 480,000 die from their habit each year. Over half of the 40
million will die prematurely because of cigarette smoke. While the
percentage of American adults who smoke has been in gradual decline
since the groundbreaking 1964 surgeon general’s report, the total number
has hardly changed.
Most smokers desire to quit, understandably,
but the addiction to smoking is extremely powerful, largely (though not
solely) because of nicotine’s power. Unfortunately, it is often believed
by smokers, and even by some doctors, that it’s the nicotine that is
toxic and lethal. This is a dangerous myth. It is a proven aphorism that
“Smokers smoke for the nicotine — but they die from the smoke.” But
it’s not only the nicotine that is addictive: There are many
psychoactive chemicals in smoke; these, along with the behavioral
rituals and the nicotine, are what wrap the addicted smoker in a death
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