
Are e-cigarettes safe? Every new vaper want to know

Electronic Cigarette Vapor Rings

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A new form of smoking, dubbed vaping (as in vapor) has been gaining popularity in many countries across the globe, and although these cutting edge e-cigarettes don’t produce actual smoke, they definitely provide the nicotine fix. Best of all, electronic cigarettes pose no risk of fire! The Electronic Cigarette is a logical new alternative to smoking, but is the e-cigarette better for your health? It is a smokeless and tar-free device that looks like an ordinary cigarette on the outside, but is nothing like it on the inside. During our research we have come across many electronic cigarettes online and made a comparative review of the most popular e-cigarette brands available today. For the best e-cigarette starter kit deals, jump to the Best Electronic Cigarette Starter Kits at the end of this report.

“I can’t believe it’s not smoke!

The most often asked question is Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe? Millions of smokers worldwide with more than 3 Million smokers in the U.S. alone, have already switched to e-cigs, yet there have been no reports of any adverse effects. Quite the contrary, smokers praise e-cigarettes as the most effective tool to quit smoking! Let’s compare tobacco cigarettes to the smokeless e-cigarette: Tobacco smoke contains some 4000+ different chemical compounds of which at least 69 are known carcinogens, while Electronic Cigarettes have about 4 ingredients altogether.

Smoking tobacco increases risks of developing cancer of the lungs, mouth, nose, tongue, larynx, oesophagus, pharynx, pancreas, bladder, stomach, kidneys, and the list goes on… Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of death in the USA with over 400,000 victims yearly, nearly 20% of all U.S. deaths. All this trouble just to get a nicotine fix? Maybe the e-cigarette will save the day. Given all these facts, electronic cigarettes may actually save lives!

Randy Tangier, a computer network technician and a pack-a-day smoker for over twenty years, first heard about electric cigarettes while on a business trip to LA. He was becoming more irritable trying to find places to smoke since most bars and restaurants no longer allow their patrons to smoke inside. Then, one day while fixing a computer at a Casino, Randy says he noticed countless people smoking while sitting at the slot machines or playing cards. He soon realized that those smokers were actually using e-cigarettes!
Compare a tobacco cigarette and e-cigarette

Randy: “I’ve done my research and I can tell you for sure that nicotine itself is pretty safe, it’s actually a brain stimulant just like caffeine. The real problem as it turns out is the tar and all the additives that are added to tobacco during manufacturing. It became obvious to me then that inhaling some water vapor mixed with nicotine was way safer than smoking tobacco. By the way propylene glycol, which is the main ingredient in e-cigarettes, is the same stuff used to make fog at concerts! It’s this transparent paste that turns to water vapor when it’s slightly heated. Anyways, I just had to order one of these e-cigarettes to see for myself if it really did feel anything like smoking… and to my surprise it did! Soon after I started vaping my e-cig, I threw away my last pack of tar cigarettes and I haven’t looked back since” says Randy with a grin on his face.

Even everyone is looking forward to a fresh start and many vow to quit smoking as their New Year’s Resolution. The timing is just right for the e-cigarette as it makes a great gift for smokers struggling to quit cigarettes. Small cartridges with or without nicotine, are used to refill an e-cigarette. With one $2 cartridge lasting as much as a single pack of regular smokes, switching can potentially save you $1200 or more per year. A recent study showed that regular smokers spend close to $2000 per year on tobacco products. A savings of even half that amount could pay for a new computer, a new bicycle or even a new big screen TV, to name a few. If you could buy yourself a thousand-dollar gift every year, what would it be?http://szhek.en.alibaba.com/

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