
Inhalation and Vapour Ingredient Myths of Vaping --Electronic Cigarettes & tell you more about your e-cig

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There are a multitude of myths connected with vapor: how it should be inhaled, what vapor is comprised of, and so on. Some of them are below. This article is probably best read along with the one at: Inhalation technique with an e-cigarette

1. "No one uses a direct lung inhale with a cigarette"; or, "No one uses a mouth inhale with a cigarette".

2. "People mainly use a mouth inhale with ecigs", or "People mainly use a direct lung inhale with ecigs".

Wrong. People do both. Who does what may relate to whether or not they are a beginner, or using a mini ecig, or if they did one or the other when smoking.

Beginners should always start with a mouth inhale when switching to ecigs, as there is far less chance of

lung irritation. A variety of other methods are used by experienced vapers according to the hardware or their preference.
3. "Ecigs irritate the lungs."

Wrong. If a beginner uses a direct lung inhale, then that is an almost certain recipe for lung irritation. Beginners should use the mouth-first-lung-second inhalation method only. Experts can do as they like, because they will know how to avoid lung irritation.

4. "Ecig vapour is mostly PG/VG and there isn't much water, because there is no water in e-liquid."

Some glycerine-base refills contain over 10% distilled water in the finished e-liquid (up to 20% is added to a glycerine base to reduce its viscosity and make it suitable for vaping).

The average amount of water found in vapour tests of mini ecigs is 66%, and the PG/VG total content is around 5 or 6%. This is explained by the fact that normal exhalation contains a significant quantity of water vapour (therefore - rather obviously - there must be some in exhaled ecig vapour; so a test that shows none at all is clearly faulty). We don't know anything about vapour produced by more efficient hardware, since at Q1 2014 no one has published an analysis of it.

reprint from ECF library.

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