
why start vaping? what's your feeling of vaping Galaxy tank? - A nice story from Reddit for all vaping lovers

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The nice story begin now:

When I tell people I have started vaping, the most common question I get is, "do you smoke?" When I say I've never smoked, people ask why I would start vaping.

Short answer: tastes good, relaxes me.

My mother smoked for decades, had a quadruple bypass and a third of one lung removed from lung cancer. I hate what smoking does to people and avoid smokers as much as possible. I have never tried a cigarette or even enjoyed a cigar.

My adult son started vaping last year. He evolved from an e-go to building and designing his own coils for his mods. At one point while enjoying a particularly good juice flavor, he asked if I'd like to try it. I drew too hard at first and coughed a bit, but figured it out and liked the flavor, too. He gave me one of his e-gos and I tried a few flavors. It was relaxing, too, which is good, since I'm a high-stress kind of guy.

I worked for a decade as a VP for a health products company and am familiar with Vegetable Glycerin, Propylene Glycol and food flavorings. They're used in many products. I know they are quickly broken down by the body, so I saw no potential for harm from these main ingredients. My concern was nicotine. I researched scientific studies of the effects of nicotine. While there is risk to nicotine intake similar to caffeine intake, I found that, just like caffeine, in low doses nicotine can be helpful for some people. "The dose makes the poison."

If I had high blood pressure or asthma, I might refrain. But, being in good health, I saw no reason not to venture forward. I now vape throughout the day and evening. The dessert flavors satisfy my "sweet tooth" so I'm snacking less. I don't crash in the afternoons like I used to, maybe because of the nicotine, or maybe because I don't eat afternoon snacks. I have not experienced any negative health effects. In fact, I believe having a relaxation outlet, snacking less and even drinking less coffee, are all positives. Stress is a known killer - and I am less stressed.

If I found the nicotine was possibly causing any problems, I'd go zero nic and enjoy vaping for vaping sake. I haven't gotten into building coils or customizing mods, I just like to vape.

If you've read this far, the only thing I'd like to get across is I don't think we should only think of vaping as a smoking-cessation tool. It's enjoyable even for someone who's never smoked. I would love to see more promotion of the joys of vaping, even more sales of zero nic juices for those who enjoy vaping but don't want the nicotine. The more people who choose to vape, for whatever reason, the more acceptable it will become.'


That's a deeply impressive story which can reveal much life philosophy. Do what you like matters your life journey, and choose what to vaping gear matters your vaping journey.  Like Hekvapor on the Facebook and win FREE e-cigs.  Get your favorite now.:

